Life Coaching

Andrew J. Billups, Psy.D. provides life coaching and positive psychology services for individuals who under-function in personal, business, and academic endeavours for reasons they cannot fully recognize or address successfully. Stated simply, in their current way of being in the world, they lanquish rather than flourish. Positive psychology offers a model for change.

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Terms of Service

Andrew J. Billups, PsyD provides life coaching (to include academic coaching) for individuals who under-function in academic, business, and personal endeavors for reasons they cannot fully recognize or address successfully. We can help with that.

Telephone and Skype-based/FaceTime consultations are not psychotherapy. Dr. Billups is trained in psychotherapy but does not engage in the practice of psychotherapy with coaching clients. A coach does not treat psychological or psychiatric disorders. For specific diagnosis, treatment and course of action for mental or physical health problems you should consult a licensed mental health professional who can discuss your psychological and physical symptoms that are of concern to you. In entering into the consultation relationship, you are agreeing that if any mental health difficulties arise during the course of the consultation relationship, you will notify Dr. Billups immediately so that he can advise you how best to obtain appropriate mental health care from a licensed and qualified psychotherapist.

It is agreed that a standard time for our telephone consultation is one hour for a fee $100.00 for each one hour session. Dr. Billups calls the client at a prearranged time and telephone number. All fees are prepaid and are non-refundable.

The information you share with Dr. Billups remains strictly confidential unless: (1) You provide written authorization for the release of the information, (2) If you report to me, or I have reason to believe, that you are the perpetrator or victim of child or elder abuse, I am obligated by law to report it to the authorities, (3) If you indicate that you intend to hurt or kill yourself, or someone else, I must act to notify any potential victims and the authorities.

Be aware that legal privilege may not apply to consultation; in other words, consultation records may be able to be subpoenaed. Some means of communication, such as Skype, wireless telephones, and e-mail, may not be secure from eavesdropping. If you agree to their use, you are indicating your agreement to utilize a communication medium that may not be confidential.

To discuss the possibility of our working together, you are invited to call or Email at your earliest convenience.

Call or Email us today. We look forward to helping you bring out your best.

I have read and understand the material expressed at this website, and I want to move forward with the coaching program. I am ready to be in the world differently. I have signed this contract before a notary (or the equivalence in my place of residence), and I enclose my payment as per my discussion with Dr. Billups.




(Name Printed)



Subscribed and sworn before me this ________ day of ______, 20__.

My commission expires:

Please enclose the original and your payment and mail to:

Chesapeake Coaching
Post Office Box 83
Kilmarnock, VA 22482

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